Fall Equinox Shamanic Journey Gathering

Fall Equinox Shamanic Journey Gathering

Regular price $80.00 Sale

Autumn whispers of cozy times ahead. 

Gathering in person in Fall is extra potent magic.

Fall Equinox Shamanic Journey Gathering 

It's a time to.....

🍂 pause and take in the simple sacredness of a season change

🍂 begin listening to the call inward

🍂 gather our energy and store for the coming winter 

🍂  give gratitude for our blessings

In our Journey, we will be bringing an offering or gift to the Spiritworld and bringing it to the Spirit of Autumn. Here we may discover what lies in wait for us and ask for insights on how we might tend to ourselves this season.  

Please join me in an in-person circle to honor the changing light, the falling leaves, the busy squirrels, and the cool breezes.

The evening will include.....

🍂 guided visualization and meditation to slow us down and find our inner stillness

🍂 drumming shamanic journey 

🍂 reflection on our needs, our gifts, and what is letting go

🍂sharing, circle time, and a warm cup of tea

No experience necessary. You do not need to have journeyed before. This will be a deep and nourishing experience for those who have never journeyed with drumming and to those who have many times. A shamanic journey is a practice where through the rhythmic beat of the drum, one enters into the Spiritworld or a meditative state where we are open to the magic of all of life and closer to hearing our own inner voice. 

Everything is alive and has a spirit and an intelligence. Inside of the shamanic journey we are able to experience this aliveness. 

We will create an altar together of your local leaves as well as with your meaningful objects. 

Come together to celebrate rest, tending to yourself, reflect, play, and dream.

Women, Men, and young people are invited. 

This gathering is taking place at my house in Walnut Creek. For those of you who have been to my office, it is about a 10 minute drive from there. 

Fall Equinox Gathering 
Friday, September 22nd
6:30 - 8:30 pm
At my home in Walnut Creek 